Author: Thomas Nelson
Support Anna and her family
Most of us who have been on this earth for a while have lost someone close to you. In my family we had a decade where we lost someone every year. We would just...
Avengers EndGame Re-Release Spoilers
We was the re-release of Avengers Endgame so we could see what they added after the film.
Predicting The Orville Season 3 for January 2nd
Ok, I am making my prediction The Orville returns January 2nd
Avengers Extended Edition Coming to Theaters
Ok they got me excited that there was going to be a longer cut of the film, but they are just adding a post credit scene and some out takes. * Cinemark is showing...
Now we have to F Star Trek again
The new Star Trek movie by Quentin Tarantino is going to contain foul language and be R rated. I don’t think this is the vision that Gene Roddenberry had for the future.
Colocation Benefits and Drawbacks
Can moving your computer room to a COLO be good or bad? What is the risk in moving and what are the benefits.
Exim Email Server Security Flaw
via Update your Exim Email server today!